2016年1月7日 星期四

好站:Administration on Aging (AoA)

Administration on Aging (AoA)

Aging Statistics

The older population—persons 65 years or older—numbered 44.7 million in 2013 (the latest year for which data is available). They represented 14.1% of the U.S. population, about one in every seven Americans. By 2060, there will be about 98 million older persons, more than twice their number in 2013. People 65+ represented 14.1% of the population in the year 2013 but are expected to grow to be 21.7% of the population by 2040. The information in this section of the AoA website brings together a wide variety of statistical information about this growing population.

Please select from the topics below to learn more:
Profile of Older Americans
AGing Integrated Database (AGID)
Census Data & Population Estimates
Projected Future Growth of Older Population
Key Indicators of Well-Being

